Varna Airport welcomed passenger №1 111 111 for 2024



For the first time in the history of “The Airport of Roses”, a special passenger welcoming event is organized with a late-night flight

Passenger №1 111 111 for 2024 arrived at Varna Airport on a flight of Sunclass Airlines from the Norwegian city of Trondheim on September 4th at 11:11 h. at night.

The passenger Irene Ohn was surprised with a specially branded suitcase, with which she will travel many more times to the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, and all 172 passengers from the flight were delighted with handmade biscuits, specially branded for the occasion, balloons and an incredible festive mood.

Curious facts are that for the first year, a special welcome was organized for a passenger with №1 111 111, and this was also the first case in which a festive event was organized with a late-night flight at Varna Airport.

Sunclass Airlines started operating flights to “The Airport of the Roses” back in 2009 and to date has operated over 3,000 flights carrying nearly 670,000 passengers. This year, the airline is expected to record a double-digit growth in the number of passengers, both compared to the last summer season and compared to 2019.

In this summer season, the Scandinavian market is in the top 5 of the incoming tourist markets for Varna Airport, with charter flights from a total of 9 airports from the Scandinavian countries - Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden - and the largest number of passengers are from Norway.

"We for sure welcome every passenger and provide the best possible service, but it is also a great tradition to celebrate a special number like now the         1 111 111th passenger! Congratulations! And my thanks to Sunclass Airlines for the great collaboration for years and thanks to my colleagues for the dedicated work!", said the CEO of Fraport Twin Star Airport Management AD - Dr. Frank Quante.

Varna Airport looks forward to serving all passengers and guests with its characteristic high level of service quality and ensuring a relaxing stay for travelers!


















