Търговски дейности

The airports in Varna and Burgas serve not only as an aviation platform but also as a multifunctional location with highly attractive retailing opportunities. With the opening of the new passenger terminal Varna Airport and Burgas Airport now offer attractive retail areas, unique food and beverage outlets, as well as comfortable open spaces. The variety of marketplaces is integrated into both airports new terminals throughout the passenger routes in both landside and airside. The airports comprise of a portfolio of unique and internationally renowned food and beverage outlets, stores, duty free / travel value shops.

Category management teams with appropriate know-how support them through the recruitment, bidding, and planning stages. Our teams support the concessionaire and work with them closely in a spirit of partnership. The provided support includes market and customer analyses as well as ongoing quality management to maximize their business success.


Жулиета Люцканова

Заведения за хранене и обмяна на валута Търговски отдел

+359 52 573 240 +359 882 909 354 zhulieta.lyutskanova@fraport-bulgaria.com
Весела Николова

Безмитен магазин Търговски отдел

+359 52 573 224 +359 882 909 355 vesela.nikolova@fraport-bulgaria.com
Деница Коева-Костова

Други търговски площи Търговски отдел

+359 52 573 247 +359 885 395 787 denitsa.kostova@fraport-bulgaria.com